Sunday, May 20, 2012

springtime at the park

We met Carrie and Ethan at Esther Short park one sunny, Saturday morning.  It was alive with activity and people.  We had a great time!
Ethan enjoying time on the swings

sweet face

Kennedy on the swings

He is getting so big and growing so fast, makes me happy and sad all at the same time.
Proud of the boy he is becoming but so sad to know that these years are racing by so quickly.

Crossing the rings - he's a little monkey

There is a small farmer's market at the park, so we strolled through and looked at everything.  Of course we had to try some delicious caramel corn.  Yum!

balloon animals
these led to tears, which ended our trip to the park prematurely
balloons popping is never fun

our attempt at a group photo
Kennedy is sad because her balloon animal popped and Ethan is trying desperately to get down

fun with statues

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