Thursday, April 30, 2009
so BIG!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Carter - 3 years old
Height: 38 1/4 inches (50-75%)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (50%)
Head: 45cm (75% - love my kids and their big heads :)
They've both grown so much in the last few months, both physically and mentally. Carter is doing great with his letter and number recognition. He's counting well past tell, although he usually skips numbers in the teens. His speech is progressing so well. He'll be doing therapy only once a month now, but the progress that he's made in the last two months is remarkable. He loves "constructing", reading and helping Dad in the yard. He likes to help me cook and bake and will always choose to play outside if given the chance. We're working hard on keeping our hands to ourselves (he was in time out for hitting during Sunday school this week - super.) and remembering to use manners all the time. Tantrums are also on the rise recently so we're trying to nip them in the bud, as well. He can be so sweet, so loving and so funny at times. Just last week, I had asked him to get down from standing on a chair because I didn't want him to hurt himself. His reply, "trust me, I'm 3." He's really relishing in his new age and will tell everyone that he's three (or "free" now). Kennedy has started motoring around so much more over the past three weeks or so. She's still doing the army crawl, although just today she stayed on all fours and crawled a little. She's a pro at getting herself into a sit, has started waving bye bye and is now pulling herself up on things. She LOVES to feed herself and seems to be a good eater like Carter, although I question her taste as her favorite food at the moment seems to be bananas. Bleh. I'm still waiting to hear her say "mama." She's said Dada but I'm not sure she knew what she was actually saying. Who knows? She loves to cuddle, still finds her brother hilarious and enjoys taking in all the activity around her. She's vocal and knows what she wants but is also so sweet and loving. We're very blessed to have two high spirited and wonderful children.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Project: Complete
This was taken as the day ended on Saturday - it was a long day, but they did a fabulous job!
Project complete! We've just got to get the bark chips in and we're all set. Happy playing kids!
Monday, April 20, 2009
We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!
Carter and Andrew watching the giraffes, although at this point the telescope was even cooler!
Kennedy riding in style. I was so proud of her, she did such a great job.
Carter and the baby elephant (way in the distance) It wasn't easy to see, but we did get a good glimpse of the little guy.
Also one of the highlights was the cement statue area
I was amazed that Kennedy fell asleep in the stroller, as Carter never did this. Not once. It gives me hope that she'll be a bit more flexible about things.
In the polar bear cave. The polar bears were really active and the boys enjoyed watching them play with a ball.
Our last stop at the zoo, Stellar Cove and the sea lions - very cool!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Carter's 3!
Our attempt at a group photo - not the easiest to capture, but fun none the less
Carter getting ready to party!
Uncle Tim and Auntie Kirstin got Carter his very own pool stick to use on their pool table. Carter loved it, although it will be going to Kirstin and Tim's house soon - too many things to hit and break at home!
Carter and his aunties. Val was a huge help in pulling off the party, thank you! We were so lucky to have Stacy and Bennett her from SF to help Carter celebrate. We all loved having them here!
Kennedy all dressed up and ready to party!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
We were so thankful to have Nana here for a long weekend. Wish that Pops could have been with us too...
Dying Easter eggs in the buff - Carter and dye worried me a bit, so I asked him to take off his shirt. He took it a few steps further and stripped down completely!
So excited to see all the fun treats that the Easter bunny brought. And he REALLY loved hunting for eggs. His excitement never ceased throughout the hunt.
Dressed in our Easter best. We found this outfit for Kennedy last year, before she was even born. She looked so darling and I can't wait for another occasion for her to wear it again.
Brunch at Grandma and Papa's after church was fantastic. Here are Kennedy and Bennett with Great Papa. They were both so good all afternoon!
The cousins played together a bit and actually entertained one another. They took turns with toys and played a little tug of war, too. Here Kennedy is exploring Bennett's face.
Happy Easter!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Carter + unrolled window = trouble
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Then it was off to Hillsboro to spend time with Grandma and Papa. I am fortunate to have a very crafty sister-in-law who is always willing to help with Carter's birthday party prep. So, while the kiddos were napping, Val and I headed to her school and created some construction signs for Carter's upcoming birthday party. They turned out great and will definitely help set the theme.
Sunday was even busier as we had to fit in church, yard work, house cleaning, grocery shopping, food prep and a bbq with 12 of our dear friends. Yikes. I'm happy to say we were successful and everyone had a wonderful time celebrating spring birthdays. (I have four friends with birthdays in March and April, so we always do one big celebration) It didn't hurt that we finally saw the sun and were able to be outside for the majority of the day.
Kennedy dressed in her Sunday best
Carter and Daddy (I had to snap a pic of Kyle eating at Carter's tiny table)
The girls - what wonderful friends! (Shanda, Michelle, Lindsay, Cheri, Carrie, Lisa, me, Kirstin)Happy birthday Michelle, Kirstin, Carrie and Shanda!
We were tired as we started our week but are thankful for all the fun times we had with family and friends. I wish I had a calm weekend to look forward to next weekend, but with Carter's birthday party and all the Easter activities, I think we'll hold tight to our weekend warrior status!