This past week we took the short trip over the Sellwood bridge to Oaks Park. I have not been there since I was a kid, so to go back and take my own children was really fun. My friend had told me about their preschool days and it was PERFECT. Perfect time (9:30-11:30 - 2 hours just the right amount of time, too), perfect price ($6 for Carter, free for Kennedy and free for us)and perfect rides. Carter loved everything. He went on every ride, wasn't scared of anything and was begging for more as we were getting ready to leave. I thought he'd freak out on the roller coaster, which I must say was kind of fast and definitely herky-jerky, but he didn't. As soon as it stopped he piped up, "can we do it again?" I was so happy that he enjoyed himself and so proud that he wasn't scared. On the car ride home he summed up our morning perfectly, "Mom, I love doing special things." And that was the icing on our perfect day cake!
The frog jump ride - so much fun!
Brevin and Carter riding the motorcycles. They had a great mix of big and small rides and it was fun to watch the boys go independently.
Hey... you were in my neighborhood! Glad the kiddos liked Oaks Park. So great that Carter recognizes the special things you do for him. What a good guy!