Wednesday, July 22, 2009

1 Year Check-up

We had Kennedy's 1 year well child check-up on Monday morning and it went very well. Other than the normal vaccine pokes, Kennedy did great and the doc didn't see anything that was of much concern. She is slightly anemic, so she's started a daily dose of iron and the doctor detected a faint heart murmur that she wants to recheck in three months. (It didn't sound like it was anything to be worried about.) She's still a peanut but our pediatrician thought she looked great and since her height and weight percentiles are in the same range she just guessed that Kennedy would be petite.

Here are her latest stats at 12 1/2 months:

Weight: 18 lbs. 15 oz (20th%) She actually has gained 13 ounces in the past month!

Height: 28.5 inches (30th%)

Head: 46.5 cm (75th%)

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1 Year Kennedy! Wow, I can't believe she's a year old already. Where does the time go? Give that little cutie a big hug and kiss from us. We miss her so much!
