Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Carter - Part 1

Carter really wanted to have his birthday party at Big Al's this year.  As far as bowling alley's go, it's a great, clean and a lot of fun for kids.  Instead of having the entire party at the bowling alley, we met there, the kids bowled a game and then they got $5 to play in the arcade.  I think most of the boys would have been satisfied bowling about 7 or 8 frames and by the end all were excited to head to the arcade.
After Big Al's we headed back home (next post) and continued the party...

here are a few pictures from the morning
Carter got a little mopey because he wasn't winning, but after a little pep talk and some silliness with his friends, he was all smiles again.  He's a wee bit competitive and I just can't figure out who he got that particular personality trait from ;)

Kennedy and Emory got their own lane to bowl and were able to bowl two full games by the time the boys had finished up their one.
She had a rough time of it towards the end of our time at Big Al' fact, she was a mess!  It all started because Daddy wasn't able to win her a stuffed animal from those claw type machines (a total rip off, really).  Then she was devastated because she didn't have very many tickets to buy any junk prizes from the gift shop.  Her screams and cries lasted all the way wasn't pretty.
She ended up crying in her room for quite awhile and then rejoined the party in her pajamas.  I wasn't happy.  It's hard being three when the day isn't about you, isn't it Sister?

Carter and his friend from school, Jack

a few sweet friends
Samuel, Andrew, Carter and Nate (can't really see his cute face)

Fun times!

Silly boys
Weston, Ryan, Carter, Jack and Adrian

arcade fun

Samuel playing a football game - he did great!

Andrew with lots of tickets!

Definitely a fun start to a great party!


  1. Happy 6th Birthday Carterman! We were so sad to miss it but looks like you had a great time. XO, Auntie Stace

  2. So THAT's how Kennedy ended up in her pajamas! It all comes together.... :)
