It all started with our desire to introduce formula. I've been nursing steadily but could see that "supplies" were running low. So, being the proactive parents that we are, we figured it best to start supplementing with a little formula before we're bone dry. Good idea in theory, but Kennedy would have NOTHING of it. You'd think I was trying to introduce brussel sprouts, haggis or some other frighteningly awful food, but formula? Babies drink it every day. Carter took to it after 11 1/2 months of nursing without incident. I was totally unprepared for the fight. She'd scream, flail and bat away the bottle all in protest to formula. So, I gave up and decided to limit her formula intake to her rice cereal mixture and try again later. The problem now is that she is so opposed to the formula that she thinks all bottles are laced with the evil powdered stuff. She won't take one at all. Talk about strong willed...wowzers. We've taken a break and put away the bottles for a week in hopes that she'll again take her food from a plastic source. If not, I'm sure there will be a worthwhile cause someday that is thankful for her mad protesting skills.
We should have known - Here's our precious Kennedy at about a month old, screaming in protest to some unforgivable strike against humanity, or perhaps she didn't want to be sitting up, one of the two I'm sure. Watch out world, here she comes!